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2016 thirteenth India international electronic components and Equipment Expo

Exhibition introduction

The India International Electronic Components and Equipment Expo is hosted by the Munich International Expo Group and is one of its global electronics exhibitions. It is the largest, most professional and internationalized exhibition of electronic components, materials and production equipment in South Asia. The exhibition was held in 2004 and is held once a year. Under the strong brand guarantee of Munich's “Components Exhibition Expert”, the exhibition attracted a large number of high-quality exhibitors and visitors with its latest technology release, efficient exhibition promotion and full coverage of professional influence.

In 2015, a total of 634 companies participated in the exhibition, with an exhibition area of 13,000 square meters. These include Agilent Technologies, ASYS, Avalon, Bergen Systems, EPSON, Juki, KAYNES Technology, Leaptech, Micro Commercial Components, MAXIM SMT, NMTronics, Nikon, Panasonic, QUAD Electronics, Renesas Electronics, STMicroelectronics, Tata Power and other internationally renowned companies. Germany, the United Kingdom, China, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong all appear in national or regional pavilions. A total of 15,435 visitors were registered, 96% of whom were industry professionals.

Market analysis

India's economy has developed rapidly in recent years, and its growth rate is much higher than the average growth rate of the world economy. India has a large population, abundant labor resources, continuous improvement in infrastructure construction and investment environment, developed financial and service industries, and external investment has increased significantly in recent years. With its huge market and economic potential, India has attracted more and more people's attention. In the electronic information industry, its software industry is very developed, and the electronics manufacturing industry is also developing rapidly. Many world-renowned electronics manufacturing companies have set up factories in India. China's electronic components, materials and production equipment industries have great potential for export to India, so this exhibition is a good opportunity for Chinese companies to understand the Indian market and expand exports to India.

Exhibition scope

□Semiconductor □Embedded system □Display technology □Micro and nano system □Sensor □Test and measurement technology □Electronic design □Reactor

□Embedded system □Monitor □Micro-nano system □Sensor technology □Test and measurement □Electronic design □Passive components □Electrical equipment/system

□Power □PCB, EMS and other boards □ components and subsystems □ car □ wireless □ information collection and service

Electronic production equipment

□Packaging □Material processing □Component manufacturing □PCB and other circuit board manufacturing equipment and logistics □Cable processing technology □welding technology

□ Manufacturing equipment and logistics for components, modules and hybrids □ Photovoltaic manufacturing □ Laser and laser systems for the production of electronic products

□General operation assistance and production subsystem □Production related services

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